ATT&CK® Cyber Threat

Intelligence Certification

Learn Cyber Threat Intelligence

Level: Intermediate

CPEs: 13 Hours  |  18 Lectures  |  Detailed Walk-through 

This training may be completed solo or as a team. The authors recommend viewing the video for each module first. When prompted, pause the video to access the associated exercise documents, complete the exercises, and then view the video to go over the exercise. This training will:

  • Introduce learners to MITRE ATT&CK and why it’s useful for CTI
  • Show learners how to map to ATT&CK from both finished reporting and raw data
  • Share why it’s challenging to store ATT&CK-mapped data and what to consider when doing so
  • Visualize how to perform CTI analysis using ATT&CK-mapped data
  • Familiarize learners with making defensive recommendations based on CTI analysis


Course Prerequisites

  • Have a solid understanding of the ATT&CK Framework
  • Understand security concepts, or have prior CTI field experience
  • Complete the ATT&CK Cyber Threat Intelligence course

Target Audience

Top job roles related to this credential include:
  • Threat Model Assessor
  • Insider Risk & Threat Management
  • Enterprise Threat Management Team Member
  • Threat & Vulnerability Manager

Course Goals

  • Establish a learner's comfort level with identifying, developing, analyzing, and applying ATT&CK-mapped intelligence
  • Increase learner familiarity with data storage considerations
  • Familiarize learners with making defensive recommendations based on all analysis described above


ATT&CK Cyber Threat Intelligence Certification is an intermediate level program that affirms your ability to identify, develop, analyze, and apply ATT&CK-mapped intelligence. You must earn five distinct badges to be eligible for the ATT&CK for Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) Certification.


ATT&CK Fundamentals

Start with the basics; unlearn bad behaviors and relearn ATT&CK the way MITRE intended. Learners will understand the structure and philosophy that continually shapes ATT&CK. This course helps Defenders identify the available ATT&CK resources and operational use cases while also recognizing how ATT&CK empowers defenders through understanding threats.

Cyber Threat Intelligence from Narrative Reporting
Cyber Threat Intelligence from Narrative Reporting

Narrative Reporting

ATT&CK subject matter experts develop the training and mastery assessment built for the ATT&CK Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) from the Narrative Reporting Badge. The focus is to validate applying ATT&CK in mapping a threat report; and identifying ATT&CK tactics, then techniques and extracting those from a finished threat report.

Cyber Threat Intelligence from Raw Data
Cyber Threat Intelligence from Raw Data

Raw Data

The focus of the CTI Raw Data Badge is to validate mapping raw data and translating behaviors seen on a system or in raw data into TTPs.


Storage & Analysis

The focus of the CTI Storage and Analysis Badge is to teach creating layers in ATT&CK Navigator; producing heatmaps and sharing coverage of specific TTPs, adversary groups, and more; and comparing layers by looking at different APT groups or software and finding overlapping techniques between them.


Defense Recommendations

The CTI Defense Recommendations Badge validates a defender’s mastery of using ATT&CK mapped data to make defensive recommendations for an enterprise. Completion of the program certifies mastery of the defensive recommendation process, understanding techniques and sub-techniques that are used in ATT&CK CTI, and mastery of constraints and tradeoffs within organizations.

Understanding the Basics of CTI

Understanding Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) in Enterprise Cyber Security: Enhancing Your Defense with MAD20's Hands-On Training


Introduction: The Importance of Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) in Enterprise Security

In today’s rapidly evolving threat landscape, enterprise security teams are constantly challenged by sophisticated cyber attacks. To effectively defend against these threats, it's essential to adopt a proactive approach. This is where Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) becomes a critical component of any enterprise’s cyber security strategy. But what is CTI exactly, and how does it benefit your organization?

In this post, we’ll dive deep into the concept of Cyber Threat Intelligence, explore its benefits, and discuss how MAD20’s threat-informed defense training can empower your team to better anticipate, detect, and respond to cyber threats.


What is Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI)?

Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) is the collection and analysis of information about potential or current cyber threats that could harm an organization. CTI provides actionable insights that help security teams understand the motives, targets, and behaviors of cyber adversaries, enabling them to anticipate attacks and implement effective defense mechanisms.

CTI is not just about gathering data; it’s about transforming this data into actionable intelligence. This intelligence is used to inform decisions on security measures, improve defensive strategies, and ensure that the organization is better prepared for emerging threats.


Key Components of CTI

  1. Threat Data Collection: Gathering information from various sources such as threat feeds, open-source intelligence (OSINT), and security logs.
  2. Threat Analysis: Identifying patterns, trends, and anomalies that could indicate potential threats.
  3. Threat Sharing: Collaborating with other organizations or industry groups to share intelligence and improve collective defense.
  4. Threat Response: Using the intelligence to inform decisions on how to respond to threats, such as updating security policies or deploying new defenses.


The Benefits of Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) for Enterprises

Integrating Cyber Threat Intelligence into your security operations offers numerous advantages that can significantly enhance your organization’s security posture.

  1. Proactive Defense

One of the primary benefits of CTI is the ability to shift from a reactive to a proactive defense strategy. By understanding the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used by attackers, security teams can anticipate potential threats and take preventative measures before an attack occurs.

  1. Enhanced Incident Response

CTI enables quicker and more effective responses to incidents. With detailed information about the threat, security teams can prioritize actions, minimize damage, and reduce recovery times. This leads to a more efficient incident response process, ultimately saving the organization time and resources.

  1. Improved Security Operations

CTI provides valuable insights that can be used to fine-tune security operations. For example, it can inform the configuration of intrusion detection systems (IDS), firewalls, and other security tools to better detect and prevent attacks.

  1. Strategic Decision-Making

With CTI, enterprise leaders can make more informed decisions about security investments and risk management. By understanding the threat landscape, organizations can allocate resources more effectively and prioritize the most critical areas of their security strategy.

  1. Regulatory Compliance

Many industries are subject to regulations that require the implementation of certain security measures. CTI helps organizations meet these requirements by providing the intelligence needed to identify and mitigate relevant threats.


CTI Strategies for Enterprise Cyber Security Teams

To fully leverage the benefits of Cyber Threat Intelligence, it’s essential to implement effective CTI strategies within your organization. Here are some key strategies to consider:

  1. Integrate CTI into Your Security Operations Center (SOC)

Your SOC should be the hub of your organization’s security operations, and integrating CTI into the SOC is crucial. This integration allows for real-time threat detection and response, ensuring that your security team has the latest intelligence at their fingertips.

  1. Collaborate with Industry Peers

Sharing threat intelligence with other organizations in your industry can provide valuable insights and help build a collective defense against common threats. Participation in information-sharing groups and forums is a key part of a successful CTI strategy.

  1. Regularly Update and Review CTI Data

The threat landscape is constantly changing, so it’s important to regularly update and review your CTI data. This ensures that your organization is always prepared to defend against the latest threats.

  1. Leverage Threat-Informed Defense Training

Training is a critical component of any CTI strategy. MAD20’s hands-on training on MITRE ATT&CK equips your security team with the skills needed to apply threat intelligence in real-world scenarios. This training focuses on both offensive and defensive techniques, ensuring that your team can effectively combat cyber threats.


The Role of Threat-Informed Defense Training in Enhancing CTI

While understanding CTI is essential, the effectiveness of your CTI strategy largely depends on the skills and knowledge of your security team. This is where hands-on training becomes invaluable.

MAD20’s threat-informed defense training is designed to provide enterprise security teams with practical skills that are directly applicable to their roles. The training is based on the MITRE ATT&CK framework, which is widely recognized for its comprehensive approach to understanding and mitigating cyber threats.

Key Benefits of MAD20’s Training:

  1. Real-World Application: The training focuses on real-world scenarios, ensuring that participants can apply what they learn directly to their roles.
  2. Offensive and Defensive Skills: By covering both offensive and defensive techniques, the training ensures that your team is well-rounded and capable of responding to a wide range of threats.
  3. Enhanced Threat Detection: Participants learn how to detect and analyze threats more effectively, leading to improved overall security.
  4. Strengthened Security Posture: With the knowledge gained from the training, your team will be better equipped to anticipate, detect, and respond to cyber threats, ultimately strengthening your organization’s security posture.


Actionable Tips for Implementing CTI in Your Organization

To make the most of Cyber Threat Intelligence in your organization, consider the following actionable tips:

  1. Invest in CTI Tools: Utilize specialized tools and platforms that aggregate and analyze threat data from multiple sources.
  2. Regular Training: Ensure your team undergoes regular training, such as MAD20’s threat-informed defense training, to stay updated on the latest threat intelligence and defense techniques.
  3. Monitor and Evaluate: Continuously monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of your CTI strategy, making adjustments as needed to address new threats.


Recent Statistics on the Impact of CTI in Enterprise Security

Numerous studies have highlighted the positive impact of CTI on enterprise security performance:

- According to a study by Ponemon Institute, organizations that use CTI effectively see a 50% reduction in the time it takes to detect and contain cyber threats.

- A report by SANS Institute found that 60% of organizations that adopted CTI strategies reported improved threat detection and response capabilities.

- Gartner predicts that by 2025, 50% of large enterprises will leverage CTI to improve their security operations, up from less than 20% in 2020.

These statistics underscore the importance of Cyber Threat Intelligence in enhancing the security posture of enterprise organizations.


Conclusion: Empower Your Team with MAD20’s Cyber Threat Intelligence Training

Understanding what is CTI and implementing it effectively within your organization can dramatically improve your ability to defend against cyber threats. However, the key to success lies in ensuring that your security team is equipped with the right skills and knowledge.

MAD20’s Cyber Threat Intelligence training offers a hands-on, practical approach to threat-informed defense, providing your team with the tools they need to protect your organization in an increasingly complex threat landscape.

Don’t wait for the next cyber attack—empower your team with the knowledge and skills to defend against today’s advanced threats. Explore MAD20’s Cyber Threat Intelligence course today and take the first step toward a stronger, more resilient security posture.