ATT&CK® Adversary Emulation

Methodology Certification

Learn Adversary Emulation Methodology

Level: Intermediate

CPEs: 21 Hours  |  30 Lectures  |  7 Hands-on Labs 

Experts from MITRE produced this course to develop a practitioner’s ability to conduct adversary emulation activities based on real-world threats. The course takes learners through the exercise of research, planning, TTP implementation, and execution. The certification affirms mastery at researching, implementing, and ethically executing adversary TTPs to help organizations assess and improve cybersecurity.



Course Prerequisites

  • Learners should have a solid understanding of the ATT&CK Framework
  • Learners should be comfortable building a lab environment

Target Audience

Top job roles related to this credential include:
  • Cyber Threat Hunting and Adversary Emulation Analyst
  • Offensive Security Developer
  • Red Team Developer
  • Senior Risk Analyst

Course Goals

  • Develop familiarity with the Center for Threat Informed Defense (CTID) emulation library
  • Learn to research adversary TTPs and construct the TTP outline
  • Become proficient in developing an adversary emulation plan and documenting activities



ATT&CK Adversary Emulation Methodology Certification is an intermediate level program that validates a practitioner’s ability to conduct adversary emulation activities based on real-world threats. The certification affirms mastery at researching, implementing, and ethically executing adversary TTPs to help organizations assess and improve cybersecurity.

You must earn six distinct badges to be eligible for the ATT&CK for Adversary Emulation Methodology Certification.

MITRE ATT&CK Fundamentals
MITRE ATT&CK Fundamentals

ATT&CK Fundamentals

Start with the basics; unlearn bad behaviors and relearn ATT&CK the way MITRE intended. Learners will understand the structure and philosophy that continually shapes ATT&CK. This course helps Defenders identify the available ATT&CK resources and operational use cases while also recognizing how ATT&CK empowers defenders through understanding threats.


Adversary Emulation Fundamentals

Certifies an understanding of foundational adversary emulation concepts and the ability to execute an adversary emulation plan based on ATT&CK. This badge verifies an ability to leverage ATT&CK and adversary emulation as part of assessment and improvement practices, and understand foundational concepts about adversary emulation (its purpose, the adversary emulation framework, and how to execute an adversary emulation plan).


TTP Research

Confirms an ability to research adversary TTPs, select an adversary to emulate, and develop a TTP outline via activities that are representative of real-world threats.



Certifies an ability to plan adversary emulation engagements that are representative of real-world threats and aligned with the organization’s cybersecurity objectives. This badge verifies an ability to understand how to plan professional adversary emulation engagements to include defining objectives, scope, and rules of engagement.


TTP Implementation

Certifies an ability to implement adversary TTPs based on ATT&CK. Learners will be able to understand how to implement adversary TTPs based on real-world adversary behaviors documented in ATT&CK.



Certifies an ability to execute adversary TTPs based on ATT&CK to assess and improve cybersecurity. Defenders learn to execute adversary TTPs that are representative of real-world threats while also balancing realistic emulation against project objectives and time and safety constraints.

Understanding the Basics of Adversary Emulation

Understanding Adversary Emulation in Enterprise Cyber Security: Elevating Red Teaming with MAD20's Hands-On Training


Introduction: The Importance of Adversary Emulation in Cyber Security

In the constantly evolving world of cyber threats, enterprises face increasingly sophisticated adversaries who employ advanced techniques to breach security defenses. To stay ahead of these threats, security teams must adopt proactive strategies that simulate real-world attack scenarios. This is where Adversary Emulation becomes a critical component of an organization’s cyber security framework.

In this section, we’ll explore what is Adversary Emulation in the context of enterprise cyber security and red teaming, the benefits of understanding adversary emulation methodologies, and how MAD20’s threat-informed defense training can enhance your security team's ability to anticipate and respond to cyber threats.


What is Adversary Emulation?

Adversary Emulation is a security practice that involves simulating the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of real-world cyber adversaries. Unlike traditional penetration testing, which often focuses on discovering vulnerabilities, adversary emulation aims to mimic the behavior of specific threat actors to test an organization’s defenses against realistic attack scenarios.

This method provides a more accurate assessment of an organization’s security posture by testing how well its defenses can detect, respond to, and mitigate attacks that mimic the actions of known adversaries. By understanding what Adversary Emulation is, enterprises can gain insights into the effectiveness of their security measures and identify areas for improvement.


Adversary Emulation Methodology

Adversary Emulation Methodology involves several key steps:

  1. Threat Actor Profiling: Identifying and studying the behaviors, motivations, and objectives of specific threat actors that are relevant to the organization.
  2. Scenario Development: Creating realistic attack scenarios based on the TTPs of the identified threat actors.
  3. Execution: Simulating the attack scenarios within the organization’s environment to test the effectiveness of security defenses.
  4. Analysis and Reporting: Analyzing the results of the emulation exercise to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement in the organization’s security posture.


The Benefits of Adversary Emulation in Red Teaming

Incorporating Adversary Emulation into your red teaming exercises offers several significant benefits that can greatly enhance your organization’s cyber security capabilities.

  1. Realistic Attack Simulation

Adversary emulation provides a more realistic approach to testing your defenses by replicating the behavior of actual threat actors. This allows your security team to experience and respond to attacks that are more representative of the threats your organization is likely to face.

  1. Comprehensive Security Assessment

By focusing on specific adversaries and their methods, adversary emulation allows for a more thorough assessment of your security posture. It goes beyond identifying vulnerabilities to test the entire lifecycle of an attack, from initial compromise to lateral movement and data exfiltration.

  1. Improved Incident Response

Through adversary emulation, security teams can practice responding to realistic attack scenarios, improving their ability to detect, contain, and remediate threats. This leads to a more robust incident response capability, reducing the impact of real-world attacks.

  1. Enhanced Threat Detection

Adversary emulation helps security teams refine their detection capabilities by exposing gaps in existing defenses. This knowledge can be used to fine-tune detection tools, such as intrusion detection systems (IDS) and security information and event management (SIEM) solutions, to better identify and respond to adversary actions.

  1. Strengthened Security Culture

Regularly conducting adversary emulation exercises fosters a culture of continuous improvement within the security team. It encourages team members to think like adversaries, which enhances their ability to anticipate and counteract emerging threats.


Adversary Emulation Methodologies for Effective Red Teaming

To maximize the benefits of Adversary Emulation in red teaming, it’s important to implement methodologies that are tailored to your organization’s specific threat landscape. Here are some strategies to consider:

Align with MITRE ATT&CK Framework

The MITRE ATT&CK framework is a comprehensive knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques based on real-world observations. Aligning your adversary emulation exercises with MITRE ATT&CK ensures that you are simulating relevant and realistic threats, making your red teaming efforts more effective.

Customize Scenarios Based on Threat Intelligence

Use threat intelligence to identify the specific threat actors that are most relevant to your organization. Customize your emulation scenarios to mimic the TTPs of these actors, ensuring that your red teaming exercises are closely aligned with the actual threats your organization may face.

Incorporate Multiple Attack Vectors

To gain a complete understanding of your security posture, it’s important to simulate attacks across multiple vectors, such as phishing, ransomware, and lateral movement. This approach ensures that your defenses are tested against a wide range of potential threats.

Regularly Update and Evolve Scenarios

The threat landscape is constantly changing, so it’s important to regularly update your adversary emulation scenarios to reflect the latest developments in cyber adversary behavior. This ensures that your red teaming exercises remain relevant and effective.


The Role of Hands-On Training in Mastering Adversary Emulation

Understanding what is Adversary Emulation and implementing it effectively requires a deep understanding of both offensive and defensive cyber security techniques. This is where hands-on training becomes crucial.

MAD20’s threat-informed defense training on MITRE ATT&CK equips your security team with the skills needed to perform effective adversary emulation exercises. The training is designed to provide practical experience with the TTPs used by real-world adversaries, enabling your team to apply this knowledge in red teaming exercises.


Key Benefits of MAD20’s Training:

  1. Practical Experience: The training focuses on real-world scenarios, providing participants with hands-on experience in adversary emulation.
  2. Comprehensive Coverage: The training covers both offensive and defensive techniques, ensuring that your team is well-equipped to simulate and respond to sophisticated attacks.
  3. Improved Threat Detection: Participants learn how to identify and mitigate the tactics used by advanced threat actors, leading to improved threat detection capabilities.
  4. Enhanced Security Posture: With the knowledge gained from the training, your team will be better prepared to defend against advanced cyber threats, ultimately strengthening your organization’s security posture.


Actionable Tips for Implementing Adversary Emulation in Your Organization

To effectively implement Adversary Emulation in your organization’s red teaming efforts, consider the following actionable tips:

  1. Invest in Adversary Emulation Tools: Utilize specialized tools that support adversary emulation, such as automated red teaming platforms and threat simulation software.
  2. Regular Training: Ensure that your security team undergoes regular hands-on training, such as MAD20’s adversary emulation methodology course, to stay updated on the latest adversary TTPs.
  3. Monitor and Evaluate: Continuously monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of your adversary emulation exercises, making adjustments as needed to address new threats.

Recent Statistics on the Impact of Adversary Emulation in Red Teaming

Numerous studies have demonstrated the positive impact of Adversary Emulation on enterprise security performance:

- A report by Mandiant revealed that organizations that regularly conduct adversary emulation exercises see a 60% improvement in their ability to detect and respond to cyber threats.

- According to a study by the Ponemon Institute, organizations that use adversary emulation in red teaming report a 40% reduction in the time it takes to identify and mitigate security incidents.

- Gartner predicts that by 2025, 70% of large enterprises will incorporate adversary emulation into their red teaming efforts, up from 30% in 2020.

These statistics highlight the importance of Adversary Emulation in enhancing the effectiveness of red teaming and improving overall security outcomes.


Elevate Your Security Team with MAD20’s Adversary Emulation Methodology Training

Understanding what Adversary Emulation is and incorporating it into your red teaming strategy can significantly improve your organization’s ability to defend against advanced cyber threats. However, the key to success lies in ensuring that your security team has the necessary skills and knowledge.

MAD20’s Adversary Emulation Methodology training offers a hands-on, practical approach to threat-informed defense, providing your team with the tools they need to simulate and defend against real-world adversaries.

Don’t wait until the next cyber attack—empower your team with the skills to defend against today’s most sophisticated threats. Explore MAD20’s Adversary Emulation course today and take the first step toward a more resilient security posture.